Being unsatisfied with your lifestyle is normal. Choosing to do something about it is the difference between a healthy lifestyle and an unhealthy one. While it’s easy to say you are eager to establish a new routine with healthy habits for eating and exercise, it can be difficult to know just where to begin. Not…

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A great job, good health and the love of family members and friends are all traditional signs of a happy and successful life. Personal success is often simply viewed as doing what makes you happy. Only, that begets another important question: What is it that makes you happy? Spending more quality time with your children,…

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As far back as a half a century ago, professionals began looking closely into how people respond best to goal-setting in order to accelerate success in the workplace. It turns out the lessons learned are still useful today when applied to all aspects of personal and professional life. A management consultant from Austria named Peter…

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When it comes to building a happier, healthier lifestyle, leave it to a group of talented engineers to provide you with an effective guide to making real, positive change. Over the course of about four decades, talented professionals and innovators have adopted a certain technique to being more productive in their professional lives and experienced great results….

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Those who have kids know first-hand how tiny details in daily routines and habits gradually lead to drastic change. With infants, it’s a magnificent experience to witness the transition from a child barely able to open their eyes to walking and talking as early as 12 months after their birth. Part of the beauty of…

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Few things are more mystifying—and annoying—than watching a talented illusionist captivate a crowd of people with a magic trick that is seemingly inexplicable. As delightfully mesmerizing as the trick is, you are reminded that you may never truly understand how the magician accomplished his amazing feat. What a pain! Shortly after the dramatic ending to…

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“Have many pounds have I lost this week?” This question will be asked by hundreds of thousands of men and women this month who are intent on conquering their New Year’s resolutions at the onset of 2016. According to a study by the University of Scranton, the most popular New Year’s resolution is losing weight….

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